The Audit Trail

A lot can happen on a Wrapsite, and some of it may be unwanted. The Audit Trail allows you to review what people have done on the Wrapsite, by maintaining a log of when people login, read data, and change things.

Most days, your Wrapsite happily chugs along and there’s nothing to do with it. But there are two main situations when you may want to know more about what people actually did on the Wrapsite:

  1. Data was corrupted and you want to find out who caused the problem so that you can help them avoid doing the same error again.
  2. You worry that someone is illegitimately copying data from the Wrapsite.

To help you keep track of what has happened on your Wrapsite, ExcelWraps leaves an Audit Trail where you can review past events. It is easy to download this audit log and examine it in Excel.

Use MyWraps when auditing signatures

Some common auditing functions are best performed using MyWraps reports. As an example, if you want to see a list of all wraps a user has signed off, follow these steps:

  1. Create a MyWraps report for the wrap template.
  2. Add a column for the main signature cell in the wrap template.
  3. For the signature column, set the data type to sig-username so that it returns the name of the user that signed off each wrap.
  4. Filter the signature column on the user name you want to track.
  5. The report now contains all the wraps signed off by this user.

Don’t hesitate to contact client services if you need help to create a report.

Downloading the audit trail

You find the Audit Trail and its settings on the Wrapsite’s Administration dashboard. Note the separate settings that allow you to tailor the audit trail. These settings are documented at the end of this help page.

Screenshot of the Audit Trail shortcut in the Administration dashboard's sidebar

For analysis, you export the Audit Trail to a file.

Screenshot of the doanload page for the audit trail

Date filter

The audit log contains a lot of information. Select a date range that is as narrow as possible to limit the size of the exported file. All audit log entries occur in the past.

Read/Write filter

You can reduce the size of the downloaded file also by fetching only the events that changed something in the system, or did not change anything.

  • Select Write to download only the events that changed something on the server. This includes updates to Wrap and wrap templates, registering and changing User information, Users getting new Roles, and much more.
  • Select Read to download only the events that did not change anything on the server. This can be helpful if you’re only looking for logins, wrap views, report generation, etc.

Press the Download button to initiate the download.

The downloaded file

The ZIP file with the audit trail has the read and write events in two separate folders. Only one of these folders may be present, depending on what you chose to download.

Screenshot of the folder structure for the downloaded audit trail - read write

Inside each of these folders, there is a folder with the name of your wrapsite.

Inside the wrapsite folder, there is one folder per year of the selected date range.

Inside each yearly folder, there is one file per day.

Screenshot of the folder structure for the downloaded audit trail - day files

Audit trail events

After you have imported one of these day files into Excel, you can filter the list of events on Event Name, e.g. to only view the Logged in events.

The event data is tagged with XML to explain what you see:


The Event Filter Data column makes it easy to show only the log entries pertaining to a specific user.

If you have enabled IP Address logging in the Audit trail settings, each log entry contains the client’s IP address.

The details for each event in the audit trail are usually self-explanatory. Please contact client services if you need help decoding the Audit Trail.

Settings related to Audit Trail

You can control in detail what events to log in the Audit Trail using the settings at Administration dashboard > Settings > Audit Trail.

  • Wrapsite content items (webpages, blogs, etc) – created, updated, published, etc.
  • Users – login/logout, failed login, password change, lost password, etc.
  • Roles – created, removed, renamed, permission granted/revoked, user gets/loses role, etc.
  • Wrap Groups – created, deleted, updated etc.
  • Generic – these are mainly used by the ExcelWraps developers to trace server activity.
  • MyWraps – user views a report.
  • Wrap definition – created, updated, deleted, etc.
  • Wrap instances – created, viewed, updated, signed/unsigned, deleted, etc.

Screenshot of the Audit Trail settings

Logging IP addresses

If you want the Audit Trail to include the IP address for the device that was used to create the event, tick the checkbox at the end of the list.

Screenshot of the Client Ip address logging setting for the Audit Trail